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Contact Us

To find out more about self catering in Ireland or holiday homes in Kilkenny click here to send us an email or send one to info@CroanCottages.com

You can check availability of our cottages by visiting the Check Availability Page:


You can book a self catering cottage online at:


To phone us

IrelandFrom Ireland: 
056 77 66 868 or 087 236 8555

United KingdomFrom the UK & Europe:
00 353 56 77 66 868 or 00 353 87 236 8555

USAFrom the US:
011 353 56 77 66 868 or 011 353 87 236 8555

By regular mail

Croan House Croan Cottages, Dunnamaggan, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland
Fax.: +353 (0)56 7766 868

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What our Guests say

Donna UK

The setting for the cottages was brilliant and francis was great

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